First released on 15th September 1995, this classic cheesefest holds a special place in my heart. The first time I watched it was with my brother and we bonded over its ridiculous techno-babble and phenomenal outfits. Years later I would get to watch the film in a packed tent at UK hacker festival EMF Camp, and somehow ended up doing camerawork for this interview with director Iain Softley.
These days I might own a pair of rollerblades and have a spiky haircut, but I will still never be as cool as Crash and Burn.
Marking the occasion with a commemorative tattoo and obligatory bottle of Club Mate
Hi! My name’s Em O’Sullivan, I’m a researcher and activist working on projects related to technology, gender and feminism, community-building, and equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). I live in the UK.